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Fruit trees plantation by SLF/ PSLEP in Gurez and Shounther valley

Conservation and community support initiatives are one of the key components of SLF’s GEF funded project ‘Pakistan Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program’ (PSLEP). PSLEP’s regional team in AJ&K ensures relationship building with local communities of project valleys. The community meetings provide feedback to the project team to identify needs and issues of the community and take measures to resolve them.

PSLEP AJ&K team led by Regional Program Manager Sardar Shoaib Hameed held consultative meetings with members of Gurez Community Support and Development Organization (GCSDO) and Shounther Community Support and Development Organization (SCSDO) to discuss potential and possibilities of various initiatives for livelihood improvement of both communities. Decisions were made mutually to plant fruit trees and establish fruit orchards as the region has fertile lands and favourable conditions for such intervention.

Acting on the mutually agreed idea of establishing fruit orchards, PSLEP team in collaboration with Agriculture Department Government of AJ&K facilitated both the communities by identifying and arranging 17,420 saplings of more than 6 different fruits including walnut, cherry, apple, plum and grapes. A team consisting members PSLEP field staff and local community members travelled to Swat KPK and procured saplings with the guidance of Agriculture Research Institute Mingora, Swat.

The saplings were transported to Shards AJ&K and trenched under the supervision of Agriculture Department AJ&K staff. The plantation will take place as soon as weather will ease and snow starts to melt.

Due to ecological and biological features, the Gurez and Shounther valleys are hotspot for tourists and therefore the harvest can bring positive economic impact for the local community. Both the community organizations appreciated SLF/ PSLEP team for reorganizing and acknowledging the community need and timely action.