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Plant distribution of PSLEP sites under 10 Billion Tree Tsunami Campaign

Snow Leopard Foundation (SLF) Chitral, under its PSLEP project aims to conserve snow leopards by engaging communities through participatory conservation and their socioeconomic uplifting in order to reduce their dependence on natural resources.

The tree plantation drive was inaugurated by Mr.Naveed Ahmad, DC Lower Chitral. Mr. Shaukat Fayaz, Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Forest handed over 1,00,000 plants to Mr. Shafiq Ullah Khan (RPM, SLF) for distribution among the communities of Terich and Torkhow Valleys. Mr. Muhammad Idrees, Divisional Forest Officer Chitral Wildlife Division, Mr. Naimat ullah Khan, Divisional Forest Officer Chitral Gol National Park and the representatives of various communities were also in attendance.