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Snow Leopard Foundation Hosts Successful Certificate Course in Animal Health and Production

Islamabad, March 8, 2024 – In collaboration with the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Animal Sciences Division, Islamabad, the Snow Leopard Foundation (SLF) successfully organized a 14-day training titled “Certificate Course in Animal Health and Production.” The event, welcomed 30 participants from snow leopard conservation areas of Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, and Chitral.

The workshop aimed to address the crucial role of livestock in the rural economy, emphasizing its significant contribution to national GDP, agriculture value added, and exports. With a focus on building capacity, the initiative aimed to train selected community members as Community Livestock Vaccinators (CLVs) to implement the Ecosystem Health Program. This program seeks to reduce livestock mortality, improve socioeconomic conditions, and prevent disease transmission to wildlife species.

At the closing ceremony, Chief Guest Dr. Waseem, Inspector General of Forest, lauded the initiative, stating, “The dedication to training community members as CLVs is commendable, as it directly contributes to the welfare of mountain communities.”

Dr. Jaffer Uddin, Deputy Director SLF, welcomed participants and guests, highlighting, “This workshop underscores the importance of empowering local communities in snow leopard conservation areas, ensuring sustainable livelihoods and biodiversity conservation.”

Dr. Hassan Andrabi of NARC shared insights into the workshop’s overview, affirming, “The focus on livestock health and production is crucial for rural development and ecosystem stability.”

Dr. Muhammad Shafeeq, also from NARC, discussed thematic discussions, stating, “By addressing livestock diseases and promoting best practices, we pave the way for healthier communities and ecosystems.”

The workshop, conducted at the highest national standards, covered essential components including livestock diseases and prevention, use and handling of vaccines and medicines, basic surgical operations, breeding and breed improvement, livestock feeding, yak management, rural poultry and rabbit farming, care and management of young stock, and value addition in livestock.

Certificates were distributed among the participants, while shields were presented to guests and trainers. The ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks and refreshments.

The SLF remains committed to its mission of wildlife preservation and community empowerment, with initiatives like the Certificate Course in Animal Health and Production playing a pivotal role in achieving these goals.