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World Wildlife Day 2020

Youth participation in snow leopard conservation appreciated by the Advisor

The habitats and ecosystems are under threat due to unsustainable human activities and overexploitation of the species and natural resources. Nearly a quarter of all species are presently at risk of going extinct in the coming decades, and their demise would only speed up the disappearance of others.

This year the World Wildlife Day is celebrated under the theme ‘Sustaining all life on earth’. World wildlife Day celebrations were held in Islamabad in FAST National University. The event was jointly organized by Snow Leopard Foundation (SLF) and FAST National University in collaboration with Ministry of Climate Change and Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic. Mr. Malik Amin Aslam Advisor to the Prime Minister on Climate Change was the chief guest at the occasion. The event was attended by diplomats, officials from government and non-government organizations and students. The Rector FAST-NU Dr. Muhammad Ayub Alvi was also present at the occasion.

GenerationFAST Snow leopard mascot of FAST-NUCES was launched at the event. Lajpal Haider a student from GFSL team shared the concept and details of the mascot. He informed the guests that students from different faculties are members of snow leopard mascot team. The students are actively involved in snow leopard conservation with the guidance and partnership of SLF. Later on the GFSL plaque was unveiled by the Ambassadors and Rector FAST-NU.

National Project Manager PSLEP Mr. Jaffar Ud Din presented the concept and objectives of summer nature study camps being organized by SLF for students.

He informed that conservation education is one of the key component of SLF/ PSLEP project and aimed to educate and capacity building of youth in snow leopard and ecosystem conservation in the project landscapes.

The Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic H.E. Mr. Erik Beishembiev in his remarks highlighted the importance of protecting snow leopards. He informed the guests about ecotourism promotion and increasing number of tourists every year in the Kyrgyz Republic. He appreciated FAST-NUCES and the students for working in snow leopard conservation. The Ambassador also planted a tree in the campus. A documentary on Kyrgyz tourism screened at the occasion.

In his address the Chief Guest Mr. Malik Amin Aslam congratulated management and students of FAST National University for contributing in the conservation efforts and launching the Snow leopard mascot. The Honorable Advisor emphasized on working collectively to tackle the challenges of climate change and its impacts on the ecosystems. He also shared measures taken by the present government to protect the biodiversity and wildlife through ecotourism. Due to these efforts, Pakistan has been declared one of the top tourists’ destinations in 2020 by leading international tourism organizations and international media. Talking about the role of youth in sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, the Chief Guest informed the guests that the Prime Minister Imran Khan will soon launch the Green Youth Movement (GYM). This initiative is designed and structured for capacity building of youth which one of the priorities of the current government.

The event was concluded with vote of thanks by Assistant Professor FAST-NUCES Mr. Muhammad Adil Amin Kazi

SLF celebrated the World Wildlife Day at national and regional level in its program region in Giglit Baltistan and Chitral KPK. All the events were celebrated under the theme “Sustaining all life on earth”.