
Snow Leopard Foundation achieved highest ranking in institutional evaluation

Snow Leopard Foundation (SLF) has achieved a milestone through institutional evaluation by a top ranking international audit firm. After thorough institutional evaluation, the audit firm has rated SLF as “Low Risk” organization which is considered to be the best category under the Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT) Framework. The HACT framework represents a common operational framework for UN agencies’ transfer of cash to government and non-governmental implementing partners (IP). The HACT micro-assessment assesses the control framework, and results in a risk rating (low, moderate, significant or high). It provides an overall assessment of the Implementing Partner’s programme, financial and operations management policies, procedures, systems and internal controls which includes a review of the IP’s legal status, governance structures and financial viability, programme management, organizational structure and staffing, accounting policies and procedures, fixed assets and inventory, financial reporting and monitoring, and procurement. Director SLF congratulated the entire SLF team for achieving this milestone and for all the hard work and dedication the SLF team has been putting in snow leopard conservation and community support programs successfully for last eight years.

Publish Date: November 25, 2017

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