


    A conservation program cannot be effective without public support. The foundation, in partnership with concerned communities and stakeholders, introduces innovative interventions for improving their living conditions to promote conservation. The community-based conservation programs aim to manage and ameliorate the conflict between wildlife conservation and economic development by encouraging rural communities to balance their monetary needs with their respect for the environment. To dilute the intensity of the human-carnivore conflict, the SLF has been executing the following livestock depredation mitigation and compensation projects in collaboration with the local communities and range province wildlife departments.


    Shortage of trained human resource to tackle conservation and research issues relating to wildlife conservation is an imminent threat to the biodiversity of the country. Realizing this need, SLF is helping develop a skilled resource base in the country by providing avenues to stakeholders and students to enhance their research skills through on-field trainings, workshops, sponsoring and supervising the research work of university students.


    Objective oriented research is a focus of SLF to gather critical information required for conservation; This includes assessing the population of snow leopards, other carnivores and their prey base, determining suitable habitats, assessing wildlife-human conflict levels, and identifying potential opportunities for conservation programs. Research is used as a tool for designing as well as evaluating conservation programs. Since its inception, SLF has pioneered state-of-the-art and cross-cutting ecological research protocols in Pakistan, which could be taken as the lifeline for the biodiversity conservation in one of the jagged habitats of the country.


    For enhancing public awareness and understanding of snow leopard ecology and conservation needs, SLF celebrates and participates in events for education and awareness of stakeholders, and development of resource materials for conservation education.