
Predator Proof Corrals (PPCs)


Livestock losses due to snow leopards can be devastating when the carnivore gains entry to a poorly developed and predator prone corral. The cats have been known to kill tens of animals in one attack (far more than they need to consume) and may return multiple nights in a row. These events affect families economically and emotionally, generating negative attitudes towards predators and predator conservation. Corral improvements are particularly useful in communities that suffer frequent predator attacks inside poorly constructed corrals.  A PPC may also alleviate the financial burden on other interventions such as an insurance scheme, as it reduces the risk of livestock losses among insurance participants and contributes towards improving people’s attitudes and behaviours towards the predators. These corrals also protect animals from harsh weather conditions and help reduce the spread of contiguous diseases such as sarcoptic mange by providing bigger and hygienic space.

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